
De tradus fraza următoare din romana in engleza britanica
Dau coroana

El obisnuia sa calatoreasca cu trenul si cu iahtul personal aproape in toate tarile lumii, deci cu alte cuvinte era obisnuit cu mancarurile traditionale ale amerindienilor dar si a pigmenilor din padurea ecuatoriala, dar acum pentru ca a imbatranit vrea sa se stabileasca in sudul australiei, asa ca vrea nu vrea trebuie sa se obisnuiasca pe de o parte cu temperaturile ridicate, iar pe de alta parte cu precipitatiile abundente

Răspuns :


He used to travel by train and personal yacht in almost every country in the world, so in other words he was used to the traditional food of Native Americans and pigments in the equatorial forest, but now that he is old he wants to settle in southern Australia, so . that he wants he does not have to get used on the one hand to the high temperatures, and on the other hand to the abundant precipitations.

