11 Give answers to the questions in
exercise 10.

Salut! ♡
When is your birthday?
My birthday it's on ____ ( îți pui data ta de naştere)
Where is your school?
It's in the ____ (spui unde se află şcoala ta)
Who is your best friend?
My best friend is ____ ( pui numele prietenei/prietenului tau/tale)
Which is you schoolbag?
It's the ____ bag (scri cularea ghiozdanului tău?
What is your favourite color?
It's ___ (spui culoarea ta preferata)
When is the English test?
It's ____ (scri o data in care vei da test la engleză)
How old is your mom?
She's __ (scrii varsta mamei tale)