
Write your answer in 220-260
words in an appropriate style.

You recently spent a week at an adventure sports centre. A friend is thinking of going to the same place and has sent you an email asking about your experiences there. Reply to your friend, giving information and advice. In your email, you should
- explain what you did at the place
- describe your feelings during
your stay
- advise your friend about going there.

Write your email.

Cine mă ajută, vă rog?

Răspuns :

Sa zicem ca ai fost la munte,si vei scrie emailul urmator:

Hello,"un nume random" I heard that you want to go on "nume de munte" mountain!

My experience at the "numele de munte" mountain was very succes! At the start I started felling dizzy while traveling on that mountain... But after some time that pain passed. That was not a unbearble pain, your head will just hurt a little.

"nume", I wanted to say that if you go on the "numele muntelui" mountain, in the left of the mountain is the biggest shop in the world! You probable know, but the shop jas everything that you can imagine! I recommend you to take a visit at that shop.

That was all, I hope you'll have a great holiday at the mountain !

Acum am realizat ca nu trebuia ca dubiosul asta sa mearga la munte, dar eram io pe o lume paralela '))

Este cel mai probabil gresit dar totusi merita sa scrii asta, sau putin sa o corectezi