
Ways of expressing Future: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Will-Future,
Going to-Future according to the following meanings (Reference:Grammar, page 9)____________3 solutions/  Answer these questions and give some detail of your answer ( how, when, why, where, with whom etc)
a) What classes or courses do you have in the evenings and when? (fixed programs, time- 
b) What have you decided/ not decided to do next holiday? (predictions with “perhaps, maybe, I think, I
     hope, I’m sure…”)
c) What are you doing next week after classes? (arrangements)
d) What do you do at the weekends? (time-table)

Răspuns :


a)today,at 1 pm i have the maths test i ve been telling you about so i have my maths class but i also have my english lesson after that,at 2 pm

b)this holiday i think i am going to see may friends,in the other side of the town,or maybe i will just go to my grndparents house, i do not know yet

c)next week,after classes,i am going home but monday and wednesday i am going to my dance class and then thurstday i will go to my sisters competition

d)this weekend i am going to my cousins house,anna,i reallymiss her we havent seen each other in so long
