Am si eu nevoie de una lafel doar ca cu alte informati! DAU COROANA!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear (Nume)
Im go to the bech this week and i stay at a luxery hotel.This hotel have 5 stars.The hotel name is "Luxery".I love you too
Dear _____
Im having an amazing day at the best hotel in Miami, they have a lot of good service. and this is a 5 stars too
Everything here is exotic, the smell is wonderful, i stay in the middle of miami, right to a beautiful beach, the food is amazing they have any tipes of food , begging with fruits, shrimps, and finishing with octopus.
i really like this place, i think miami is the best ideea to come and enjoy your time:)
incearca sa le gandesti ca si cum tu i ai scris cuiva